Friday, August 1, 2008

CRAZY wedding (Response to Sue's blog post)

This is a response for Sue's entry on marriages!

I know now its not the time to think about all this things cause exams are around the corner.

As she said in her blog, (hahah) that i wanna wear a chinese wedding outfit for one of my wedding photos. BUT, the photo she put wasn't exactly what i had in mind. so i decided to google and found the one i want.

here it is....

i know, i know... very corny.. but Oppa and i will wear that... so funny lar....

and also maybe i would wanna wear Korean wedding outfit, Hanbok, but the make-up looks scary ar...

and last but not least....

Oppa decided to wear this when he comes to 'claim' me....

and with tat, we're not using 'kompang'/hadra, he wanted to have a bagpipers march behind him.. haiz.... gasak ko lar nak!

while he's wearing the darth vader costumes, i tot of wearing this in return but somehow the make up turn me off... and i like the one in white! like gown eh? but the make up still look the same... SUE tell Maiya that she needs to know how to make up like this... see below***

this is indeed the craziest wedding i would ever dream of having... its like, this morning I was talking abt wedding to Charlyn and then with Sue on our way back home... ahahhahah.. i gave her suggestions while she was thinking what to wear for her 'malam berinai' or nowadays its just studio phototaking!

p/s: i told Char and Sue that if ppl can do their henna till the elbow, i wanna do my whole arm! ahahha sounds and will look stupid lar... then as for the legs, not up till the ankle but till the knee!! wakakakakaka!!!