Thursday, December 25, 2008

Some random posts

hey dearies,

soorryy for not updating the blog after such a long time. Busy, busy, busy. with projects, tutorials(ok, not most of the time), housework, go out, catch up with friends and meet up with friends and just 'lepak'(chill).

a few things happened:

1. Meet & Greet Anuar Zain. I was interviewed by SingTel. check it out. its on YouTube and Facebook. Boyfie tagged along because i made him come. He was awkward, of course. I won the tickets. My parents went for his concert.

2. I failed a test for the 1st time. haiz.

3. Argued and fought with boyfie. this thing always happens. never seems to go away.

4. Worst common test yet. 'cause i'm VERY ADDICTED to PET SOCIETY. i tell u this game is so addictive that i got my boyfie, GFFs, Sue and my bro to play. Hahahaha...

5. My cousin had her wedding on my mum's birthday. 13 dec 08.

6. Went to Batam for a short getaway. Had a hell of a shopping spree. I bought a few things. I should have earned my own money for the trip.

OK, that's basically it. other than that, i'm always out and about. oh yes, not forgetting the infamous zoo trip which i didn't fancy. not sure if there's anything else.

oh gosh, its the time of the year that i'm beginnning to be lazy. i'm giving the 'whatever' attitude to everyone, even boyfie.